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Do Fuel Additives Work and Can they Increase Gas Mileage?

By: StaffAugust 31, 20211 min

As gas prices rise, more and more manufacturers are rushing gimmicks to the marketplace, all claiming to have the best new product that will increase gas mileage and improve performance. 

Leading this wave of new gas saving products are fuel additives. These easy-to-use, low-cost products make bold statements about improving a car’s fuel economy and reducing exhaust emissions. As consumers become desperate for solutions that will help them save at the pump, they are looking to these hassle-free solutions for results.

The question then becomes: Do fuel additives really make a difference? Will they help boost gas mileage?

In short, the answer is no. According to a number of consumer reports, as well as the FTC, the chance of a fuel additive improving a car’s performance and increasing gas mileage is unlikely. Yes, a few products may have some impact, but the effects will be so minimal, most drivers will never notice a difference. 

If you have a healthy vehicle, there simply is no additive that can help you save on gas. And if you drive an underperforming car, a fuel additive will not suddenly make your engine become more powerful and efficient. 

In the end, there are a few steps you can take to improve gas mileage. Unfortunately, you will probably not find the answer in a box on a shelf. Instead look to increase your car’s gas mileage with fuel saving techniques such as:

  • Getting a tune up
  • Regularly changing your oil and filter
  • Keeping your tires properly inflated
  • Shopping for the best gas prices
  • Adjusting your commute times

Boosting your gas mileage has more to do with investing in your car’s maintenance than a magic elixir. By focusing on proven vehicle performance and gas saving measures, you can start saving money and extending the life of your car.

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